For Valentine's Day you want to make your girlfriend or wife the best gift. The best gift for a woman is her partner's love and proof of his attachment to her. And this is the perfect time for you to show her your love.
If you are in a relationship for some time now and you want to ask her to marry you, now is the perfect time. Not always is easy to choose the right gift for a woman because women want a lot of things and choosing the right one can be challenging.
Here is a top 7 best 2011 Valentine's Day gift ideas for your girlfriend - wife
Fine Chocolate Candies:

Every woman loves chocolate, so you will not go wrong with a box of fine chocolate candies. But, you should take into consideration the fact that your girlfriend may be on a diet so she may refuse to eat chocolate. If this is the case you should choose other gift for her.
A Quality Perfume:
Women love perfume but it will be harder for a man to choose the right
perfume for his girlfriend if he doesn't know her tastes. If you are in this situation one thing you can do is to ask her friend about what she likes.
Gold or Silver Jewelry:
Jewelry is a gift that will impress any woman. Be sure though that you choose the right jewelry. Mature women in particular will prefer gold jewelry while teenagers will prefer the silver ones. If you want to buy the right jewelry than you need to find out what are your partner's tastes and ask her in a discreet manner so she wouldn't suspect anything.
For sure this gift will delight her as well as you. You must consider though that this is more a gift for you, so watch for your girlfriend's personality when you choose to make this kind of gift. If your girlfriend is more restrained or if you insisted on sexual themes and she refused to comply with your requests is better to avoid to make such a gift because you don't want to start a fight.
A plush toy:
This cute gift will certainly impress a teenager or young girl in love. If your wife or girlfriend is not in this age maybe it's better to avoid such a gift. First you should consider her personality and if she is childish and you heard her at least once talking about plush toys or you know for sure that she like this kind of gifts than you can buy one without having to worry.
A Weekend In Two :
Every woman wants to spend a weekend with her boyfriend or husband away from the daily routine. If you decide to make her this kind of gift than you should make reservations to a nice hotel, to make a list on how to spend your time together and even to have some surprises prepared for her. Wake your girlfriend or wife in the morning with a nice bouquet of flowers, and then take her to the place you prepared.
A Romantic Dinner:
Romance is very much appreciated by women. If they will discover a surprise prepared with care like a romantic dinner, they will be very impressed. More pleasant is if you are the one who is preparing the dinner at home and the decor will be unrecognizable. Don't forget to have many flowers and romantic music surrounded by candles.
Thanx for sharing nice ideas of a gifts for valentines day. Giving your loved ones a unique gift on valentine day create strong bond and great memories.
Personalised Love Stone
Wow such a nice post, I was looking for some information like this long long time.............
Thanks for the post
gifts for men
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